Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cycle #23 - Days One to Ten

So some years ago I had an aim, that aim was to read the Bible one time for every year of my life.
I have made it half way now, finishing 22 times and I am the ripe old age of 44.  

Getting that far though has meant that I had to plan, and so I have planned, and now I actually put in my diary my daily readings.  

Then this year I decided to add the Bible Marathon challenge, so now I am a  month behind my schedule.  Now I could easily re-write my schedule, or try and catch up, slowly but surely.  A friend of mine used to say when watching a team playing sport that were behind, they just need to grind away.  Now this is not sport, and ultimately it does not matter if I don't meet my schedule, what matters is that the word of God impacts my life deeply and that I apply it and change, growing in his grace and mercy.

Anyway another way of being sure I am continuing reading the Bible is blogging what I have read, and so I am going to continue the updates and my plan is to do this every ten days. 

So what did I read in the first ten days.  I read the Torah.


I am not going through the Bible from start to finish this time, in fact next up is the gospel of Matthew.
So this time I am mixing up the old and the new.

Some people say, and with some accuracy, that you can't get a lot out of just reading the Bible in chunks, for want of a better word, but there are other ways to add to daily Bible reading.

The church I attend works through books of the Bible, preaching a passage on the Sunday, and we study the same passage the Wednesday before in our Bible Study groups.  Even the kids in kids church look at the same passage.  The church in unity studying the Bible together.  Currently we are working through the epistles of John.  

Also I have another blog called The Tribal Bible in which I am paraphrasing the Bible, and currently working through Genesis.  This makes you stop, go slowly and think about the words and concepts even more.

So my encouragement is read the Bible, and study the Bible, do both.  

I'd love to hear if anyone else is on the same pilgrimage, to read the Bible one year for every year of their life.

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