Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cycle #23 - Days Seventy One to Eighty

So the last ten days passed in the blink of an eye, and I was able to read Colossians and once again marvel at the supremacy of Christ.

I also through no planning was able to read the gospel of John and finished just as it is heading into the passion, which I will read today, Good Friday.  The sovereign hand of God!

Well what I read was:-

Psalms 111-150.
John 1-16.

A total of 95 chapters, which according to my dodgy maths is 836 out of 1189 chapters.  So 353 to go, but a lot of Old Testament prophets in there which I have always struggled with a little bit.
Let's see how we go.  I'm sure before you finish your coffee another ten days will pass by!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cycle #23 - Days Sixty One to Seventy

For quite some time my favourite book of the Bible has been the epistle of Colossians, because it showed me the supremacy of Christ.  It is a thouroughly Christological book and is essential reading and understanding for anyone who like myself left the Pentecostal church and in my opinion a need to grasp onto things and hold onto more than Christ.  The desperate need for the tangible, needing signs, miracles, people falling over and the like.

However, I have not got to Colossians yet, but I have got to another of my favourite parts of the Bible, the Psalms.  It is a brutally honest depiction of the way a persons worships God, through doubt, anger, grief, fear and through passion.

So what exactly did I read in the past ten days?

Job 22-42.
Psalms 1 - 110.

A total of 143 chapters which is a total of 741 out of 1189 chapters if my artithmetic is correct, and there is no guarentee of that, the end result is that I am getting there, and hopefully in the next ten days I will get to Colossians again!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cycle #23 - Days Fifty One to Sixty

The last ten says were not ten of my better Bible reading days.

In short I struggled a bit.  That happens from time to time with me, I'm not sure about you.

There were other things that I placed too much emphasis on and not enough on the Bible.

I've looked at how I can address that, and actually have extended it to how I actually plan my whole day, and how I should be centering it around, or at least grounding it in the Bible.

I recently heard a preacher say he does not know how we can go through the day without reading the Bible in the morning.  Without turning the mirror of the Bible onto our lives and have it changed, have our lives reflect what the Bible is saying.

Anyway it was not all disaster!

What I read was:-
Job 1-21.

A total of 49 chapters which brings me to 598 out of 1189 chapters, if all my adding up has been correct!!
This means I have now officially past the half way mark.  Yay!! 

Well time to get back into reading and finishing Job to start.

In the unlikely event you are reading this, how about sharing how your Bible reading is going as well?