Monday, May 2, 2011

Cycle #23 - Days Eighty One to Ninety

The ten days started at Easter, and with the end of the gospel of John, which was not planned but worked out nicely.

I made it through Isaiah and learnt a few things along the way.  It is an interesting book isn't it?  Full of messianic writings and grounded in historical events, and with amazing chapters like 6,40 and 53.

So I have made it through one of the big three prophetic books and I start the next ten days with the second one.

I also read Ecclesiastes which really does bash you with its brutal insights of the reality of life.  It should be required reading for anyone about to start college or uni.  Think about what life really means before you waste it on hedonistic pursuits, or seeking after career. 

And then there is Song of Songs, which I'm no real closer to understanding, but some of the images presented are extraordinary,  Really not buying the analogy that some have of Christ and the church though.

So let's look at what I actually read:

John 17 - 21.
Song of Songs.
I Thessalonians.
2 Thessalonians.
1 Timothy.
2 Timothy.

A total of 109 chapters, which according to our running total means 945 out of 1189 and just 244 chapters to go.

So I begin with the weeping prophet Jeremiah, now there is a man who had total commitment for God.  With him and Ezekiel you really have men that said we will not go quietly into the night, we will stand up and for the sake of God we will fight.
Difficult reading but ultimately something which needs to be read.

See you in about ten!

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