Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Bible Marathon Challenge: Week Two!

Well one thing with this challenge is you have to be consistent.  If you slacked off at all you would get behind the eight ball really really quickly.  

So with this nature of having to keep up with the reading being this intense I think about a month would be the most you could reasonably expect to keep it up.

Anyway having said that, this is what was read in the second week of the challenge.

I Kings
II Kings
I Chronicles
II Chronicles
Psalms: 1 - 50.
 So the the statistics bit - 
A total there of 237 chapters and a little bit below what the challenge dictated I achieve.  
The total read now is 528 chapters out of 1189.  That is an average of 37.71 per day which is below the 38.35 required to be on schedule.  To get back on track by the end of week three I need to be up to 806 chapters which is 278 chapters to read in the next seven days, or basically 40 per day.  So I better get cracking!

In terms of where I am up to in the Bible I have finished the history section and am in the poetry/wisdom section, next comes arguably the hardest section the prophecy area, with major and minor prophets.

Following that will be the New Testament with the history section and then the epistles.

Well got some serious reading to do to have success in this really outrageous challenge.

Expect another report in about seven days.

In the meantime I will leave you with a nice banner I found - 

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